张缨斌:博士、特聘研究员、硕士生导师,毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)教育学院DELTA项目。从事人工智能教育应用、教育数据挖掘、学习分析等领域研究,关注教师和学生能力建模、智能环境下的自我调节学习、序列模式分析方法等主题。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省哲学社会科学规划青年项目。在《Computers & Education》《Contemporary Educational Psychology》《开发教育研究》等SCI/SSCI/CSSCI期刊发表论文十余篇。担任《Learning and Instruction》《Learning and Individual Difference》《Education and Information Technologies》《Journal of Computer Assisted Learning》等SSCI期刊审稿人,担任EDM、CogSci、AERA、ACM SIGCSE等国际会议审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2024):《基于自注意霍克斯过程与随机置换的在线学习事件序列依赖挖掘方法研究》,主持 (2025-2027)
2. 广东省哲学社会科学规划青年项目 (2024):《数字化转型视域下教师生成式人工智能教育应用素养研究 》,主持 (2024-2026)
3. National Science Foundation Project (2020):《Combining human judgment and data-driven approaches for the development of interpretable models of student behaviors: Applications to computer science education》(Award number: 1942962. PI: Luc Paquette.),参与 (2020-2022)
4. National Science Foundation Project (2016):《Using data mining and observation to derive an enhanced theory of self-regulated learning in science learning environments》(Award Number: 1561567. PI: Ryan Baker. Co-PI: Luc Paquette.),参与 (2018-2021)
1. UIUC College of Education Conference Participation Support Award (2022)
2. UIUC Graduate College Conference Travel Award (2021, 2022)
3. Erik Duval Travel Scholarship for Learning Analytics Summer Institute (2021)
4. UIUC College of Education Annual Graduate Student Conference Award (2020):《Differential behaviors between students with different feeling of difficulty toward a learning task》
5. UIUC College of Education Hong Kong Graduate Student Exchange Award (2019)
代表性论文(一作或通讯) (详情请移步个人主页)
1.《Academic procrastination, incentivized and self-selected spaced practice, and quiz performance in an online programming problem system: An intensive longitudinal investigation》2024年刊于《Computers & Education》SSCI
2.《Conditional and marginal strengths of affect transitions during computer-based learning》2024年刊于《International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education》EI
3.《Using Permutation Tests to Identify Statistically Sound and Nonredundant Sequential Patterns in Educational Event Sequences》2024年刊于《Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics》SSCI
4.《Investigating the reliability of aggregate measurements of learning process data: From theory to practice》2024年刊于《Journal of Computer Assisted Learning》SSCI
5.《Using problem similarity- and order-based weighting to model learner performance in introductory computer science problems》2023年刊于《Journal of Educational Data Mining》
6.《Utilizing programming traces to explore and model the dimensions of novices’ code writing skill》2023年刊于《Computer Applications in Engineering Education》SCI
8.《Combining latent profile analysis and programming traces to understand novices’ differences in debugging》2022年刊于《Education and Information Technologies》SSCI
9.《The evolution of metacognitive strategy use in an open-ended learning environment: Do prior domain knowledge and motivation play a role?》2022年刊于《Contemporary Educational Psychology》SSCI
10.《How are feelings of difficulty and familiarity linked to learning behaviors and gains in a complex science learning task?》2022年刊于《European Journal of Psychology of Education》SSCI
11.《The impact of extreme response style on the mean comparison of two independent samples》2022年刊于《Sage Open》SSCI
12. 《Can strategic behavior facilitate confusion resolution? The interplay between confusion and metacognitive strategies in Betty's Brain》2021年刊于《Journal of Learning Analytics》ESCI